Begin Today

Behold, there’s life
Full of wonders
Filled with surprise
You’ve got this one chance
Begin now! Make no regrets.

Now the sky’s asking you
Fly with the clouds
Sing with the birds
Color it with distinct hues
Begin now! Wash away your blues.

Do you feel the warm breeze?
The air’s breathing with you
Go where you’re headed
Feel the cool wind
Begin now! No one’s stopping you.

See the world so bright
There’s new hope waiting for you
All dreams are possible
Follow your heart
Begin now! Dream anew.

All beginnings take courage
There’s no easy route than taking step
Take your heart, follow where it leads you
Fear has no room here
Begin now! Bravery starts with you!



Because you’re brave.

Life works in such a crazy way. Even there are struggles along the way, you will survive the storm. You’ll conquer heights. You’ll fight for what you dream on.

Remember, you’re ingenious.

When things are not working the way you plan it, just keep on trying. From plan A, proceed to plan B. There is no easy route in this life. You’ll experience falling a lot of times but if there’s falling there is also catching. Catch yourself. Stand firm on the ground. Live what you believe. There is no remedy from failure than to end up winning in the end. Believe in yourself.

Dear, you’re patient.

Remember, for all the things lost there are precious things left to find. Patience, dear. There’s a pot of gold in a rainbow, just like there’s  a “good job” in life. You’ve reached this far, wait a little more. Soon things will unleash itself and you will find treasure the least you expect it so aim for more.

And so you’ll grow.

Like a butterfly, you’ll spread your wings and fly to the sky. Don’t be blinded by the light. It will serve as your guide. Reach for your aspirations. Never stop dreaming. Flap your wings and say “Hello, World! Watch me, I’ll conquer you!” You have wings to aim high and eyes to settle your goals. Worry less. Be brave enough to fight for what is best.

And because of that, you’ll grow.

Because you’re a survivor.

And you survived. Job well done! Life’s tough but so are you. So grow. There’s no stopping now. Push ahead. Keep on blooming. Life’s sweet reward awaits you! 🙂


I am lost.

See, I do not know where I am heading. Left or right. Forward or backward. There are a lot of things going around and I can’t seem to comprehend why things happen the way it is. Things keep bugging me and I can’t seem to stop it, because the truth is, I really can’t. Because there is a more powerful being, up there, who knows the reason for all of these.

And so I realized, I need to freshen up my mind and to sort things out. There is no easy route towards change than to see that you’ve actually grown — heart and mind. Change is necessary when things get too habitual. When there’s nothing left of you than to grow and face what fears you.

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t do. So try new things. Explore. For the past years, I’ve realized that the best kind of woman is the one who stood up for what she believes. The woman who lives up her dreams. And so I will keep on dreaming and to achieve it soon.

I am lost.

But I know sooner where I am heading.

I am heading somewhere. Somewhere where all my dreams, plans, and aspirations come into reality.

I am lost.

But with God’s grace, He will grant my heart’s desire. Surely, I will. Surely, I can.

I don’t know where I am going, but I’m on my way.

Because for whatever I lost, I will find.###

Between life, pain and suffering

A worthwhile read.

This, I can summarized Looking for Alaska written by John Green.

I bought the said book in exchange for the unavailable book of Mr. Green, which is The Fault in our stars. Honestly speaking, it was a total confusion between Let it Snow and it. Anyway, I thought I had bought the book for a purpose. 🙂

And it never failed me.

I am approaching the ending now but I guess the discoveries I will get later on will surely leave me with so much lessons in life. 🙂 I am excited about that. Here, I will want to share the powerful lines that struck me while reading it.


Miles: “So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.” 

Life is really complicated. No matter how you want life to be simple, it never will. We deal with everyday events which test our  capabilities to handle it. We just need to make an effort to leave something remarkable in everything we do. Be courageous enough. Believe in yourself. Laugh. Life is about doing what makes you happy.


Miles: “What is an “instant” death anyway? How long is an instant? Is it one second? Ten? The pain of those seconds must have been awful as her heart burst and her lungs collapsed and there was no air and no blood to her brain and only raw panic. What the hell is instant? Nothing is instant. Instant rice takes five minutes, instant pudding an hour. I doubt that an instant of blinding pain feels particularly instantaneous.” 

We feel pain. Without pain, they said there is no gain. But how do you deal with pain anyway? I always believe that pain is necessary in falling in love. Love begets pain in some points. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to make things perfect, it really doesn’t. People often underestimate pain. But we must remember that pain makes a person stronger.


Alaska: “Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia. (…) You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you’ll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present.” 

And comes the suffering. I believe suffering is just an option. People needs to choose if you want to suffer or not. Nut the best choice often comes in believing that we don’t need to suffer amicably, if we decide to make things simple. To suffer is to make things hard. Suffering is an option. Just make the wise choice.


Life, pain and suffering intertwined sometimes. But I always believe that life, pain and suffering has its same ground point: it is forgiveness. Forgive yourself and forgive people. Live a life worth remembering. Live life out of the labyrinth of suffering and pain. :))

pain is inevitable. suffering is optional


Top 10 Lovable Movie Quotes

Every movie has something to tell. Just like any stories, lines uttered by the characters gives a great impact to audience. Sometimes these lines create so much effect to those who have heard it. Movies can touch our lives in many ways as possible. Life like movies are something we need to ponder on. Because along the way, after all the hardships and struggles a main character or even those secondary characters, lessons can be found. Lessons we will not second-thought to apply or even share with others. 🙂

This week, let me share to you, readers, the top 10 lovable movie quotes I love and has touched me in matters I do not expect. 🙂

1. Up 

Ellie: Can i hold your hand?
Carl: No.
Ellie: But why?
Carl: Because it’ll hurt when you let go.

Carl and Ellie

Carl and Ellie

2. Wall-E 

Ship’s Computer: You will survive.
Captain: I don’t want to survive, I want to live!

Eve: Waaaallll EEEee


Wall-E and Eve

Wall-E and Eve

3. The Corpse Bride

Victor Van Dort: Wait. I made a promise.
The Corpse Bride: You kept your promise. You set me free. Now I can do the same for you.


The Corpse Bride: I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. But now – now I`ve stolen them from someone else. I love you, Victor, but you are not mine.

Victor Van Dort and The Corpse Bride

Victor Van Dort and The Corpse Bride

4. Shrek

Shrek: Um… Fiona?
Princess Fiona: Yes, Shrek?
Shrek: I… I love you.
Princess Fiona: Really?
Shrek: Really, really!
Shrek: Mmmm… I love you too.

Shrek and Fiona

Shrek and Fiona

5. Rio

Blu: You see, who needs flying?

Jewel: Birds! Birds need flying. Flying is… err… freedom, and, and not having to rely on anyone. Don’t you want that?

Blu: Hmm, I don’t know. Sounds a little lonely.



6. Tangled

Rapunzel: I’ve been looking out of a window for eighteen years, dreaming about what I might feel like when those lights rise in the sky. What if it’s not everything I dreamed it would be?

Flynn Rider: It will be.

Rapunzel: And what if it is? What do I do then?

Flynn Rider: Well,that’s the good part I guess. You get to go find a new dream.

Rapunzel and Flynn Rider

Rapunzel and Flynn Rider

7. Toy Story

Woody: From now on, you must take good care of your toys, because if you don’t, we’ll find out, Sid!

Woody: [while turning head around slowly] We toys can see EVERYTHING!


Buzz Lightyear: To infinity and beyond!

Woody and Buzz Lightyear

Woody and Buzz Lightyear

8. The Nightmare before Christmas

My dearest friend, if you don’t mind. I’d like to join you by your side, where we can gaze into the stars.
And sit together, now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see, we’re simply meant to be.

Jack and Sally

Jack and Sally

9. Robinhood

Robin Hood: Milady, a woman of your beauty has no need for such… decorations.


Marian: Men speak conveniently of love when it serves their purpose.

Robinhood and Marian

Robinhood and Marian

10. Brave

Merida: I want my freedom!

Queen Elinor: But are you willing to pay the price your freedom will cost?


Merida: There are those who say fate is something beyond our command. That destiny is not our own, but I know better. Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.








Once upon a child

I was once a child. 🙂

In our life, we all became a child. I remember how I enjoyed playing outside our house, together with my younger sister. We enjoyed playing tag along, hide and seek and other games.

My sisters. :) From L-R (Ate Eden, Me, Bebe Elaine and Ate Emay).

My sisters. 🙂 From L-R (Ate Eden, Me, Bebe Elaine and Ate Emay).

I can still vividly remember how my mother has gone tired upon calling our names when we haven’t gone home late in the afternoon. It was fun outside. We can do anything we want without being caught. 🙂

Being a kid is a really wonderful phase in once life. We have given a lot of opportunity to do all the crazy things you opted, without being scolded. These were the times I’ve realized that you did to enjoy life as it is;  innocent and live free. 🙂

My younger sister, Elaine and I, during her birthday.   From both sides are my older sister's friends. :)

My younger sister, Elaine and I, during her birthday. From both sides are my older sister’s friends. 🙂

Today, I am proud to say that I enjoyed my childhood days. I have become the kind of kid who got wounded after playing. I am a living witness of how you can learn to be strong once you’ve got wounded. 🙂 After all, a kid’s life can be measured by how many times you have able to stand up after all your falls. 🙂

I once became a child but I am happy to go beyond being an adult now because I have learn the basics of life in my childhood days. 🙂 We can all enjoy being what we are today, but don’t ever forget that once in our life, we became kids in our own different way. Happy kid memoirs! 🙂

My cousins (mother's side). :) I am in the right most side.

My cousins (mother’s side). 🙂 I am the last girl in the right. 

Reflecting for the Soul

Yesterday, just like all the traditions  my bestfriend and I usually spent, we have again shared and experience how Jesus once suffered just to wash away our sins.

We have decided to go to Via Dolorosa (White Cross) at Pinagmisahan St. Antipolo City. Though we waited for almost an hour just to proceed to the main gate due to vast number of people there, still we waited patiently, because this is just one way of returning God’s goodness to us.

People gathered in the main entrance of the White Cross.

People gathered in the main entrance of the White Cross.

Below is a rhythmic poetry of the stations of the cross I have searched in the internet. This is just a simple guide and reminder of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection we need to reflect on.

The Stations of the Cross

By James J. Metcalfe

The First Station

(Jesus is condemned to death)

 Lord Jesus Christ, You died for me,

You gave Your every breath,

It was not Pilate — it was I, who sentenced You to death.

My sins condemned You to the cross, as surely on that day,

As if I had pronounced myself, that You be put away.

Dear Jesus, please forgive me all, the sins that stain my soul,

Condemn me not as I condemned, but make me clean and whole.

Allow me now to follow You, along Your journey sad,

And to repent the wayward life, and pleasures I have had.

Let me take up the cross with You, in deep sincerity,

And let me walk beside You on, the road to Calvary.

The Second Station

(Jesus takes up his cross)

 Lord Jesus Christ, for love of me,

You bore Your Heavy cross,

That I might follow and avoid, my soul’s eternal loss.

For love of me You carried it, in sweat and blood and tears,

To bring me hope and confidence, and courage through the years.

So let me be with You today, and give me strength to bear,

The crosses and the sufferings, that are my daily share.

The cross of pain or poverty, of sickness or distress,

Of enemies who injure me, without the least redress.

Dear Jesus, give me patience and, the perseverance true,

To carry every cross in life, and humbly follow You.

The Third Station

(Jesus falls the first time)

 Lord Jesus Christ, when first you fell

Your cross was not the weight,

But you were burdened with the sins

I need to expiate.

It was my selfishness, my greed

That made you stumble there,

It was my bitterness, my hate

And sometimes my despair.

And there were countless other faults

That made you fall that day,

As wearily you plodded on

Along your tearful way.

Dear Jesus, I am sorry for

The wrongs that I have done,

And for the evils of this life

I should have tried to shun.

Please, give me greater courage and

The grace I need to win,

And never let me fall into

The state of mortal sin.

The Fourth Station

(Jesus meets his Mother)

 Lord Jesus Christ, how sorrowful

That picture must have been,

When You and Mother Mary met

Upon that path of sin.

The road where all the rabble cried

And sneered and jeered at You,

And all my shameful thoughts and words

And deeds were present too.

How deep became her anguish when

You had to be apart!

How many swords of sorrow pierced

Your Mother’s loving heart!

Dear Jesus, at Your Mother’s side

Along Your weary way,

I bend my knee, I bow my head

And I sincerely pray.

That by her intercession and

Your everlasting grace,

In your eternal kingdom

I shall have some humble place.

The Fifth Station

(Simon helps Jesus carry His cross)

 Lord Jesus Christ, I only wish

Like Simon of Cyrene,

I could have trudged along with You

And share that tragic scene.

I wish I could have helped You then

To bear Your burden great,

And all the sorrow over sin

That added to the weight.

But now, dear Jesus, I will bear

Each cross that comes to me,

And I will carry it for You

Alone and willingly.

I will not murmur in my heart

And I will not complain,

However dark the day and night

However long the rain.

I will be faithful unto You

In every storm and strife,

With everlasting gratitude

To You Who gave Your life.

The Sixth Station

(Veronica wipes the face of Jesus)

 Lord Jesus Christ, You suffered so

And all for love of me,

When You could barely lift and move

Your cross to Calvary.

And there Veronica approached

To wipe Your bleeding face,

And on her cloth Your features left

Their everlasting trace.

Dear Jesus, as Your enemies

Impaired Your beauty then,

So have I marred and scarred my soul

Yes, time and time again.

And now I beg You for Your grace

And Your forgiveness too,

And pray that You will help me be

More worthy unto You.

For only You can give me back

The beauty of my soul,

And only You can help me gain

My everlasting goal.

The Seventh Station

(Jesus falls the second time)

(Jesus falls the second time)

Lord Jesus Christ, once more You fell

Along Your weary way,

And once again it was my sins

That made You fall that day.

I told You I repented and

I promised with my heart,

That I would never sin again

And we would never part.

And then I failed You and I broke

The promise I had made,

And cruelly I hurt You in

The moment that I strayed.

Dear Jesus please forgive me as

I promise You once more,

That I will strive to merit all

The blessings I implore.

I know my many weaknesses

I realize I am frail,

But in Your mercy and Your love

I feel I cannot fail.

The Eighth Station

Lord Jesus Christ, You saw their tears

And You admonished them,

“Weep not for Me but for yourselves

And young Jerusalem.

Weep not for me but for the world

And for your children too,

And all the sins and wrongs that are

A burden unto you.”

I weep, dear Jesus, for my sins

For every thoughtless deed,

And every time I did not help

A soul in dire need.

I weep for my transgressions and

I beg You to forgive,

And ask that You will teach my heart

The perfect way to live.

I thank You for Your sufferings

And every loving tear,

And I will praise and honor You

As long as I am here.

The Ninth Station

(Jesus falls the third time)

 Lord Jesus Christ, I failed You once

And then I failed You twice,

And now You have to fall again

To pay that awful price.

The price of every faithful vow

That I declared to You,

Each promise on my bended knee

That I have failed to do.

I know that what there is to say

Except that I regret,

And hope that You are willing to

Forgive and to forget.

I think of You beneath Your cross

And once again I pray,

That I may share the agony

You suffered on that day.

I want to kneel at Calvary

And soulfully entreat,

I want to drink Your tears and kiss

The dust beneath Your feet.

The Tenth Station

(Jesus is stripped of His garments)

 Lord Jesus Christ, as You were stripped

Of all the clothes You wore,

So may my heart and soul be freed

Of sin forevermore.

And as Your bloody garments stuck

And tore Your flesh away,

So let me suffer for Your sake

And make amends today.

By that humiliation when

Your body was made bare,

I beg of You, dear Jesus, that

You listen to my prayer.

 I pray for perfect chastity

In thought and word and deed,

And all the other virtues that

In every way I need.

I want to strip myself of all

The sins that burden me,

And follow in Your footsteps to

Your great eternity.

The Eleventh Station

(Jesus is nailed to the cross)

 Lord Jesus Christ, with all their might

They drove those nails through You,

As cruelly and horribly

As only demons do.

The nails that pierced Your holy hands

And those that tore Your feet,

To hang Your body on the cross

And make Your shame complete.

But every blow the hammer struck

Was one more sin of mine,

And every drop of blood You shed

Was part of my design.

I nailed You to the cross that day

I made Your body bleed,

With all my self-indulgence and

My comfort and my greed.


Dear Jesus, I adore You and

I worship You alone,

Forgive me all my sinful deeds

And help me to atone.

The Twelfth Station

(Jesus dies on the cross)


 Lord Jesus Christ, You died for me

At three o’clock today,

And there are not sufficient thanks

My soul can ever say.

What more is there upon this earth

That anyone can give,

Beyond the beating of the heart

And all the joy to live.

You gave Yourself, You gave Your all

That I might strive to be,

Another soul, another saint

In Your eternity.

You said “Forgive them, Father, for

They know not what they do,”

And I was one who went his way

And turned his back on You.

Dear Jesus, I am sorry and

I wish I could have died,

And shared in all Your suffering

When You were crucified.

The Thirteenth Station

(Jesus is taken down from the cross)

(Jesus is taken down from the cross)

(Jesus is taken down from the cross)

 Lord Jesus Christ, when life was gone

Your good disciples came,

And took Your body from the cross

For Mary dear to claim.

They gave You to Your Mother and

She held You tenderly,

While sorrow pierced her loving heart

In deepest agony.

Dear Jesus, let me comfort You

And to Your Mother pray,

That I may never sin again

And never turn away.

Let not my spirit weaken now

And let me not despair,

But give me strength and confidence

And keep me in Your care.

Sincerely and devoutly I

Implore and I entreat,

That I may live my life for You

And worship at Your feet.

The Fourteenth Station

(Jesus is placed in the sepulcher)


Lord Jesus Christ, may all my sins

Be buried in Your grave,

My worldly thoughts, my passions and

The pleasures that I crave.

With tears of sorrow and regret

I fervently implore,

Your guidance and Your loving grace

That I may sin no more.

Dear Jesus, let me rise with You

In body, mind and soul,

Above this earth, beyond the tomb

To that eternal goal.

I long to join Your angels as

They sing Your lasting praise,

And worship You forever for

Your great and wondrous ways.

Give me Your tender mercy and

This humble prayer fulfill,

Just let me love You, Lord, and then

Do with me what You will.

Jesus has suffered so much for us. He endured every pain just to save us. What  we can offer Him is just little for what he’ve done so big. Prayer. He listens to us everyday. He never failed to hear our heart. We just need to trust Him. Just a little sacrifice is what he wants us to give. Because more than those endless battles He had face, He loves us dearly that He has suffered enough for our life. 🙂 Jesus loves us so much. 🙂

The White Cross

After the tireless step on the way to the Cross :)

After the tireless step on the way to the Cross 🙂

Along the way

life of pi



Everyday, we meet people along the way. It is best to smile at them and give our warmest hello. Uplift their lives, see the change in their eyes. Bless the day. 🙂

Love like a river…

 I already finished Paulo Coelho’s “Aleph” last week. So I guess I was left with nothing more to read. Anyways, the book is really amazing and extraordinarily written. Coelho (of course, I am an avid fan) is really awesome when it comes to writing stories in order to inspire people. His way of voicing out his thoughts and ideas in life are really so enthralling.  I love how he inspires me everytime I read any of his life-changing books. Every word is amazingly written. It makes me asked for more.

 Aleph is really a book written to give people the notion that we can love all over again. We can visit the past, but it is not a nice place to stay. Once given a chance, give the best to improve the damage we have done; those heartaches we give to those we love. Moreover, we should not limit ourselves to love despite being hurt many times. It is through loving that we grew stronger and able to face what it is in the present. Love and sacrifice, these are the essence of loving.

 Those simple things we have done to people is just an important pace towards achieving our desire to find our real love. We should dedicate our love to the Almighty. Because at the end of the day, it is Him that we should give our life with. God is love. Love is God. These two coincides.

 Anyways, below is the best part of the book I have read. I hope other readers can learn from it.  As the book said: Transform your life. Rewrite your destiny. Some books are read. Aleph is lived. Enjoy. Live. Love. Laugh. 

‘I love you because all the loves in the world are like different rivers flowing into the same lake, where they meet and are transformed into a single love that becomes rain and blesses the earth. 

I love you like the river that creates the right conditions for trees and bushes and flowers to flourish along its banks.  I love like the river that gives water to the thirsty and takes people where they want to go.

I love you like the river which understands that it must learn to flow differently over waterfalls and to rest in the shallows.  I love you because we are all born in the same place, at the same source, which keeps us provided with a constant supply of water.  And so, when we feel weak, all we have to do is to wait a little.  The spring returns, the winter snows melt and fill us with new energy.

I love you like the river that begins as a solitary trickle in the mountains and gradually grows and joins other rivers until, after a certain point, it can flow around any obstacle in order to get where it wants.

I receive your love and give you mine.  Not the love of a man for a woman, not the love of a father for a child, not the love of God for his creatures, but a love with no name and no explanation, like a river that cannot explain why it follows a particular course, but simply flows onwards. A love that asks for nothing and gives nothing in return; it is simply there.  

I will never be yours and you will never be mine; nevertheless, I can honestly say: I love you, I love, I love you.’


-adapted from Paulo Coelho’s “Aleph”

The bitter-sour taste of life

This week has been really an “out-of-the-world” status for me. What makes it really “out” was the scenarios I have heard, saw and felt this past few days.


It was on November 13, when this viral video of a certain “Paula”, a college student came out humiliating a lady guard at LRT2 Santolan Station. This video has become a trending topic of every people who takes on different sides.

Well, (not for clearing my conscience), I am not taking any sides. Both of them commits mistake. I just hope that both of them, during that day, just keep their heads cool. Maybe it will come out as a little misunderstanding if both of them just limit their power of speech. They should have learn that everything in life will turn out ok without using so much freedom of expression. Learn to follow rules and obey simple laws. Smile. 🙂


Meanwhile, tremendous news involving a 34-year old barangay tanod who robbed and viciously killed by slitting the throat of  its three occupants in Tondo, Manila also headlines the news. Unfortunately, the said barangay tanod was purportedly shot in his head causing his instant death.

Crime. Murder, massacre, robbery, these have been the major content of the news. As it said, “bad news is good news.” Well, I hope there could be a more peaceful way of delivering news. I hope that the victims and the suspect will rest in peace. What people needs now is a peaceful way of living.


Upon riding a jeepney, I caught a man (who was in front of me) peeking the breast of a nursing student, who was next to him. I thought he was just looking outside, but no! I followed the direction of his eyes and I am really sure that he is looking in the sensitive part of the said girl. Grrr… He is a real maniac! Why are there guys who are happy abusing girls? I hope our political leaders promulgate law to penalize such maniac.  I am really hoping that maybe, 80% of our men today are real gentlemen.


Life has its different taste. It is just up to us how we will savor each experience we face in our everyday existence. Anyways, I have tasted this sour flavor of life when I came upon these two kids who I thought were playing on something right on a small flood covering the road. When I peeked, I was shocked to see a big dead rat floating in the said flood. I hurriedly looked away and I was like in the midst of vomiting. Sour, really sour, I learned then to be not so curious of something, so I will not be surprised to see what it is that I am curiously looking at.

Life really has its five tastes. Learn to taste all of those and see to yourself life’s hidden happiness. 🙂